Final Logo



My inspiration for this logo came from a ski sweatshirt I saw a couple years ago. I loved the look of two ski’s overlapping. Some may think it is a very simplistic and boring looking logo but I like how there is no clutter, it is very easy to understand and the simple lines and colors make it appear very structured instead of abstract and wild. I am a very organized person who does not like clutter so I felt like the logo is also a good representation of myself. A couple things that I did change from the design that I saw a couple years ago was the addition of poles, I felt like the skis alone was not enough for a logo. I also added an inner design of a thick white line to both skis. I did this by making a smaller rectangle then the ski and making it’s fill blank and it’s stroke white. Then I brought both of the fills to the front and made sure one ski was in front of the other so the two white fills would not cross and form a diamond.

I like the combination of blue and purple so I added a gradient going from blue to purple on the ski’s fill. I also really liked the shadow technique I learned on one of the tutorials so I gave the skis and poles a shadow with an opacity of 30 percent multiply to make it look more transparent and realistic. Then I felt like the logo needed a little more so I filled the background with a pinkish color with a gradient going from white to light pink with a radial type so the gradient would be in more of a circular form. I expanded the white on the background a little bit to highlight the skis and then added my initials in a aparajita font.

Overall I am happy with how my logo turned out but for the final I would like to play around with the background and maybe the skis and make them look a little more realistic. I could possibly do a more complex design within the skis instead of a white line or change the opacity levels so objects blend a little better.



Some of the revisions I made were centering the whole piece so make it seem like there was less negative space. I also changed the transparency on the skis so they would look a little more realistic. Then after reading through the comments that my classmates left one that I thought was particularly interesting and a good idea was to incorporate snow into my logo. So using my pencil tool I drew lots of circle and then made their fill white so they looked like snow falling down from above and lots around my initials to make the picture a little more interesting and not so simple. I would have liked to get rid of some of the negative space but I love the pink and I was able to add more snow with it there so I kept it.

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